
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

President’s Message - October 2010

Our October 21 General Meeting is a fund raiser to be held at the Moose Lodge at 4328 Campton Road in Eureka. Members are being asked to volunteer to bring desserts (last names begin with letters A-L) and Salads (last names beginning with M though Z.) All those choosing the buffet lunch will pay $12. Those who prefer only dessert and beverage will pay $6 and Beverage/Speaker only will pay $4. Help would be most welcome. When we did this project in January it proved to be a great success and there were requests that we do an encore. If you would like to volunteer your help on this project please call Colleen Hedrick at 268-0101 or Kay Parris at 442-9232.

On going efforts on campaign efforts are in need of volunteers also and anyone who could spare time for helping on telephone work and office staffing may call and leave their names and contact information at Republican Headquarters. Call 442-2259.

This election is likely the most important election we have ever dealt with and every effort we can lend is important to our country, our children‟s way of life, and to our identities as a free people. We have candidates who are giving their all in campaign efforts. It is a matter of good citizenship that we support our best get out the vote efforts and our best support to our candidates.

The Hanks reception is scheduled for Saturday, October 9 from 4 to 5:30 in the Palm Room at the Eureka Inn. There will be music, a silent auction, wine, punch and Hors D‟ Oeuvres. The cost is $30 for singles and $50 for couples. Persons of all political persuasions are welcome to attend.

Even if you know you are giving your vote to Hanks, you have no questions to ask and your contribution has been sent your attendance will be excellent support. The event promises to be pleasurable and will certainly benefit from a strong turn out. COLLEEN HEDRICK

Redwood Alert October 2010 (PDF)