
Monday, February 15, 2010

Campaigns and elections topic for HRWF panel

Campaigns and elections topic for HRWF panel

Vee Sorenson, Rose {Welsh} and Dennis Hunter will be panel members for the Humboldt Republican Women Federated's (HRWF) program on campaigns and elections on Thursday. This topic at the club's general meeting at the Elks Lodge, 445 Herrick Ave., in Eureka is prompted by 2010's role as an election year.

The panelists bring strong backgrounds to their topics because of extensive participation in Humboldt County's political scene and longtime community involvement in varied areas. A question and answer session will follow the panel's presentation.

HRWF members are asked to sign up for the organization's staffing of the Republican Office at 311 Fifth St. in Eureka.

HRWF members are encouraged to bring guests, and interested community persons will be welcome. The buffet line opens at 11:30 a.m. Lunch cost is $14.50, and speaker only or speaker/beverage cost is $4. Reservations are needed, and cancellations are a necessity.

Members are asked to bring donations for Food for People food bank in Eureka.
For reservations, call Colleen Hedrick at 268-0101.