
Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I’d like to thank Rex Bohn for his informative speech in June that gave us insight to a great company and employer. As always, Rex showed great humor. This month our guest speaker will be Frank Jager.

We will NOT meet in August. The executive board agreed that this is vacation and Humboldt County Fair time. We will be back in September and gearing up for upcoming elections. Any of you who want to participate, I can advise you or you can join the Humboldt GOP to help. Remember,
When Women Work We Win!

Please remember Vee and Dick Sorenson in your prayers.
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CARDS FOR SOLDIERS I have received a donation of approximately 500 decks of cards from Cherae-Heights. I still need help getting these to our brave troops in Iraq. If any of you can give me a couple of hours to get these out, I would appreciate it. Please contact me at 845-2575. Thanks, JOY FINLEY

Americanism Report - July 2008

The mainstream media has long been the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and refuses to print the truth about any of their candidates.
Check out the following…
◼ He voted against banning 'partial birth' abortion.
◼ He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
◼ He supports affirmative action (racial preferences) in colleges and government.
◼ In 2001, he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.
◼ Instead, says he will deal with street-level drug dealing as a minimum wage affair.
◼ He admitted his own marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
◼ His religious convictions are very murky - even before the Rev. Wright fiasco.
◼ He is willing to meet with our Communist and terrorist foes, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to negotiate our cooperation.
◼ He has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.
◼ He opposed the Patriot Act which has kept 9/11 terrorists from further success on U.S. soil.
◼ The first bill he signed that also passed was campaign finance reform (which has
had the opposite effect).
◼ He voted No on prohibiting frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
◼ He supports universal health-care similar to Europe and Canada's (even though they come here for better health care).
◼ He voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees (constitutional rights for terrorist prisoners in our courts).
◼ He supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants even though that ID would, for instance, allow them to vote.
◼ He supports extending all welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.
◼ He voted yes on the comprehensive immigration reform bill that failed after a public outcry against amnesty.
◼ He voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
◼ He wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'.
◼ He voted with Democratic Party in 96 percent of 251 votes.
◼ He is a big believer in the complete separation of church and state - no religion in the public square.
◼ He is opposed to any effort to privatize Social Security and instead supports massive tax increases.
◼ He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.
◼ He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax (i.e. Inheritance Tax which confiscates 56% of one's estate).
◼ He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax, among many others, as well as institute some new ones.
◼ He has repeatedly said the Surge in Iraq has not succeeded (though our top military claims the opposite), and he will retreat as rapidly as possible, regardless of conditions on the ground.
◼ In his book, he states that if the world's nations cannot agree, he will side with the
Moslem countries.
◼ He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some

Education Report - July 2008

Last month I began reading Obama's book, Dreams from My Father. I had promised a report by this month. After a while, it dawned on me that Obama is either a genius or disingenuous, as liberals of fond of saying. You see, Obama's book is filled with complete quotations of all the conversations he remembers from the time he was a tiny child right on through his wedding. I have a very good memory of most of my childhood, but I can't honestly say I recall all the exact words from every onversation I remember. I will give Obama credit for a superb writing style. I believe his book is either fictionalized or he 'remembers' events the way he wants to. If your goal is to find the real Obama,I doubt this book will help very much!

Now with that out of the way...I would like to share something I find so much more important! Our Aunt Edith Fearrien passed on to Heaven on June 22. It is a comfort to know that she is Heaven, but it is just so hard not having her here with us. Many of you knew her so this won't be news to you! At age 92 (would have been 93 on August 19th) Aunt Edith had lived a very long, busy, engaged, and happy life. But she probably would have lived at least another ten or twelve years if it hadn't been for the accident. Aunt Edith was the baby of the family and her last sister died last year at age 106! Edith passed out walking up church steps in Paradise to attend a wedding on a very hot day. She crashed her head on the steps and never regained consciousness. It was a shock to all her family and friends. All last week I kept thinking of things I wanted to tell her and then would remember that wouldn't be possible. At the celebration of life held in Ferndale and at her funeral services the next morning, family and friends shared their special memories. These brought a lot of smiles, laughter, and yes, tears. Aunt Edith was a very accomplished lady. She worked along side her husbands, Henry from 1938 until his death in 1970 and Fred from 1971 to his death in 2001. She traveled the world extensively and hiked up to the top of Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains just three years ago! She could keep up with people half her age and pass up many multiple decades younger! She was very direct and honest and sometimes very funny! I knew she was as her daughter, JoAnn, shared at the celebration of life, "a-dyed- inthe-woolREPUBLICAN"! That was when I came up with a fitting tribute. At the burial, I attached my Republican elephant pin to the pastel flowered spray from our family. JoAnn watched me do this and commented that "Mom would appreciate that!" Aunt Edith is an inspiration for all of us. If God chooses for me to live that long, I truly hope I can be just like her! I want to dance until the party is completely over...just like Aunt Edith! BY SHERYL FEARRIEN

Legislative Update - July 2008

From the Desk of CFRW Legislative Advocate Michelle P Conner:
Status on Bills: The California Federation of Republican Women voted to oppose these tax bills below.
The Good News
AB 1956 by Calderon (D-58) would require state tax officials to begin imposing sales taxes on music, movies, and software purchases made online, such as on iTunes. DEAD
AB 2372 by Coto (D-23) would impose a new 1 percent tax on Californians earning more than one million per year, raising the state’s highest income tax rate to 11.3 percent. DEAD
AB 2388 by Feuer (D-42) would raise the car tax based on the weight of the vehicle and the amount of carbon dioxide emission it emits, to a still-unspecified level. DEAD
AB 2638 by Coto (D-23) would impose a new sales tax on the sale of cars in California that get less than fifteen miles per gallon. DEAD
AB 2744 by Huffman (D-6) would authorize San Francisco Bay Area transportation officials to impose a new gas tax, of as much as 10 cents per gallon, to pay for new government spending. DEAD
AB 2829 by Davis (D-48) would impose a new plastic bag tax, at a still-unspecified level, on the plastic bags used by grocery stores and other retailers to package. DEAD
AB 2897 by Hancock (D-14) would impose a new 10 percent tax rate for individuals earning more than $136,115 every year or $272,230 for joint filers and a new 11 percent tax rate for individuals earning more than $272,230 per year or $544,460 for joint filers. DEAD
The Bad News
AB 2522 by Arambula (D-31) would authorize San Joaquin Valley air quality officials to impose a new thirty dollar car tax on drivers, without a vote of the people. ALIVE
AB 2558 by Feuer (D-42) would authorize Los Angeles transportation officials to impose one of two different taxes, subject to a majority vote, to address climate change -- an increased gas tax as high as three percent, or an increased car tax as high as eighty dollars. ALIVE
AB 2967 by Fuentes (D-39) would impose a new .06 percent tax on the gross operating costs of every California hospital, to pay for new government health care programs. ALIVE
SB 1731 by Yee (D-8) would authorize San Francisco Bay Area transportation officials to impose a higher car tax on local drivers, without a vote of the people. ALIVE
On the National Level
Obama’s Global Poverty Act (S2433) is coming up for a Senate vote sometime after the July 4 recess. According to Lee Cary with the conservative blog this United Nations inspired give away is estimated to cost the US $845 billion. Remember the United Nations humanitarian aid program called “Oil-for Food”?

The Fairness Doctrine is back and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she will resist any effort that opposes reinstatement and she is bottlenecking the Broadcaster Freedom Act in committee.

Eureka Republican Women Federated welcomes Frank J. Jager

July 17, 2008 Buffet Lunch-$14.50 Beverage Only-$6.00

About Frank J. Jager: Frank was born in Albany, Oregon and has lived in Eureka for the past 60 years. He attended St. Bernards, College of the Redwoods, and Humboldt State University. Frank currently serves as the Coroner/Public administrator for the County of Humboldt. Previously, he was a Police Officer and Detective for the City of Eureka and a Criminal Investigator and Polygraph Examiner for the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office. Frank has been married to his wife, Sarah, for 25 years and they have four children. Frank is active in Boy Scouts and has received numerous honors and awards for his community service activities.

The Buffet lunch begins at 11:30 and the meeting opens at noon. If you are not contacted by our Telephone Committee, please call Margaret Stafford at 822-3255 for your reservation. Members' guests and interested community members will be welcomed. A reservations made is a reservation paid AND cancellations a necessity.