
Friday, August 18, 2006

Schwarzenegger aid speaks to Republican women

Group endorses Flemming for supervisor - James Faulk The Times-Standard

A high-ranking member of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election campaign spoke to a group of enthusiastic supporters at Thursday's meeting of Eureka Republican Women.

Mindy Tucker Fletcher, deputy campaign manager for Schwarzenegger's re-election campaign, said the campaign to re-elect the governor was moving ahead on all cylinders.

Things are going so well, she said, that she's waiting for the other shoe to drop....

The women's group also voted to temporarily lift a bylaw and endorse Nancy Flemming for 4th District supervisor. The lifted rule stated that in a race with two Republicans, the group would not choose one over the other.
”There's so many problems that we need to deal with now,” said Flemming. “And it's centered in the 4th District.”
She said failed leadership was the problem, one that she looked to rectify by getting elected.